Page Outline


A simple and customizable toast component using Radix

Manual Installation

# using npm npm install @radix-ui/react-toast # using yarn yarn add @radix-ui/react-toast
'use client'; import { cn } from '@/helpers/utils'; import * as RadixToast from '@radix-ui/react-toast'; import { forwardRef } from 'react'; import { motion } from 'framer-motion'; import { ComponentAnimation, ComponentAnimationType, } from '../configs/animation-config'; import { Button } from './button'; export type ToastPositionType = | 'top-right' | 'top-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'bottom-left'; export type ToastProviderType = React.ComponentProps< typeof RadixToast.Provider > & { position?: ToastPositionType; }; export const ToastProvider = forwardRef<HTMLElement, ToastProviderType>( ({ children, position = 'bottom-right', ...args }, _) => { return ( <RadixToast.Provider {...args}> {children} <ToastViewport position={position} /> </RadixToast.Provider> ); }, ); ToastProvider.displayName = 'ToastProvider'; export type ToastType = React.ComponentProps<typeof RadixToast.Root> & { animationType?: ComponentAnimationType; }; export const Toast = forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, ToastType>( ({ className, animationType = 'from-right', ...args }, ref) => { if ( { return ( <motion.span initial={ComponentAnimation[animationType].initial} animate={ComponentAnimation[animationType].animate}> <RadixToast.Root ref={ref as any} className={cn( 'p-4 rounded-xl shadow-lg bg-neutral-800 relative', className, )} {...args} /> </motion.span> ); } else { return <></>; } }, ); Toast.displayName = 'Toast'; export const ToastTitle = forwardRef< React.ElementRef<typeof RadixToast.Title>, React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof RadixToast.Title> >(({ className, ...args }, ref) => { return ( <RadixToast.Title ref={ref} className={cn('font-medium text-white text-base', className)} {...args} /> ); }); ToastTitle.displayName = 'ToastTitle'; export const ToastDescription = forwardRef< React.ElementRef<typeof RadixToast.Description>, React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof RadixToast.Description> >(({ className, ...args }, ref) => { return ( <RadixToast.Description ref={ref} className={cn('text-sm text-neutral-500 mt-1', className)} {...args} /> ); }); ToastDescription.displayName = 'ToastDescription'; export type ToastActionType = React.ComponentProps<typeof RadixToast.Action> & React.ComponentProps<typeof Button>; export const ToastAction = forwardRef<HTMLButtonElement, ToastActionType>( ({ className, children, ...args }, ref) => { return ( <RadixToast.Action ref={ref} className={cn('absolute top-4 right-4', className)} asChild {...args}> <Button size="sm" variant="secondary"> {children} </Button> </RadixToast.Action> ); }, ); ToastAction.displayName = 'ToastAction'; export const ToastViewportPositionStyle: Record<ToastPositionType, string> = { 'bottom-left': 'bottom-0 left-0', 'bottom-right': 'bottom-0 right-0', 'top-left': 'top-0 left-0', 'top-right': 'top-0 right-0', } satisfies Record<ToastPositionType, string>; export type ToastViewportType = React.ComponentProps< typeof RadixToast.Viewport > & { position: ToastPositionType; }; export const ToastViewport = forwardRef<HTMLOListElement, ToastViewportType>( ({ className, position = 'bottom-right', ...args }, ref) => { return ( <RadixToast.Viewport ref={ref} className={cn( '[--viewport-padding:_25px] fixed flex flex-col p-[var(--viewport-padding)] gap-[10px] w-[420px] max-w-[100vw] m-0 list-none z-[2147483647] outline-none', ToastViewportPositionStyle[position], className, )} {...args} /> ); }, ); ToastViewport.displayName = 'ToastViewport';

Toast default example

    Toast with position top-right

      Toast with position top-left

        Toast with position bottom-left

          Toast with position bottom-right