Page Outline


A native working switch component

Manual Installation

'use client'; import { cn } from '@/helpers/utils'; import { forwardRef, useState } from 'react'; import { MotionProps, motion } from 'framer-motion'; import { ComponentAnimation, ComponentAnimationType, } from '../configs/animation-config'; import { Loader2 } from 'lucide-react'; export interface SwitchProps extends React.ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement> { isChecked?: boolean; withLabel?: string; hasLoading?: boolean; labelDirection?: 'hl' | 'hr' | 'v'; animationType?: ComponentAnimationType; } export const Switch = forwardRef<HTMLButtonElement, SwitchProps>( ( { className, children: _, isChecked = false, withLabel = '', hasLoading = false, labelDirection = 'hl', animationType = 'none', ...args }, ref, ) => { const [checked, setChecked] = useState<boolean>(isChecked); const loader = ( <motion.span key={'loader-wrapper'} initial={{ opacity: 0, y: 12, }} animate={{ opacity: 1, y: 0, }}> <Loader2 className="h-3 w-3 animate-spin" /> </motion.span> ); const switchElement = ( <motion.button ref={ref} initial={{ ...ComponentAnimation[animationType].initial, }} animate={{ ...ComponentAnimation[animationType].animate, }} className={cn( 'switch w-12 p-1.5 h-fit rounded-full bg-white/20 flex flex-row items-center disabled:brightness-50 disabled:cursor-not-allowed', checked && 'bg-blue-500', hasLoading && 'cursor-default brightness-50', className, )} onClick={(event) => { if (hasLoading) return; setChecked(!checked); // appending the args.onClick if present args && args.onClick && args.onClick(event); }} {...(args as MotionProps)}> <motion.span initial={{ x: checked ? 19 : 0, }} animate={{ x: checked ? 19 : 0, }} className={cn( 'switch-thumb inline-block rounded-full w-4 h-4 bg-white shadow-sm', )} /> </motion.button> ); if (withLabel.length) { return ( <div className={cn( 'switch-with-label flex gap-2', labelDirection === 'hl' && 'flex-row items-center', labelDirection === 'hr' && 'flex-row-reverse items-center', labelDirection === 'v' && 'flex-col items-start', )}> <label htmlFor={} className="text-sm font-medium text-neutral-200"> {withLabel} </label> {switchElement} {hasLoading ? loader : <></>} </div> ); } else { return ( <div className="switch-wrapper h-fit w-fit flex flex-row items-center gap-2"> {switchElement} {hasLoading ? loader : <></>} </div> ); } }, ); Switch.displayName = 'Switch';


Switch with label (horizontal-left)

Switch with label (horizontal-right)

Switch with label (vertical)

Disabled Switch (un-checked)

Disabled Switch (checked)

Switch with loading