Page Outline


Callout component with multiple variants covering various use cases.

Manual Installation

'use client'; import { ReactNode, forwardRef } from 'react'; import { ComponentAnimation, ComponentAnimationType, } from '@/components/configs/animation-config'; import { cn } from '@/helpers/utils'; import { MotionProps, motion } from 'framer-motion'; import { AlertCircle, AlertTriangle, CheckCircle, Info } from 'lucide-react'; export type CalloutVariantType = | 'info' | 'error' | 'warning' | 'success' | 'subtle'; export interface CalloutProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> { variant?: CalloutVariantType; animationType?: ComponentAnimationType; stretch?: boolean; } const CalloutVariantStyle: Record<CalloutVariantType, string> = { info: '[&>.callout-icon]:text-blue-500', error: '[&>.callout-icon]:text-red-500', warning: '[&>.callout-icon]:text-yellow-500', success: '[&>.callout-icon]:text-green-500', subtle: '[&>.callout-icon]:text-neutral-600', }; const CalloutVariantIcon: Record<CalloutVariantType, ReactNode> = { info: <Info />, error: <AlertTriangle />, warning: <AlertCircle />, success: <CheckCircle />, subtle: <Info />, }; export const Callout = forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, CalloutProps>( ( { className, children, variant = 'info', animationType = 'none', stretch = false, ...args }, ref, ) => { return ( <motion.div ref={ref} initial={{ ...ComponentAnimation[animationType].initial, }} animate={{ ...ComponentAnimation[animationType].animate, }} className={cn( 'flex flex-row gap-2 pl-3 pr-4 py-2 items-center justify-start rounded-lg bg-neutral-900 shadow-lg', CalloutVariantStyle[variant], stretch && 'w-full', className, )} {...(args as MotionProps)}> <span className="callout-icon w-4 h-4 *:w-full *:h-full"> {CalloutVariantIcon[variant]} </span> <div className="callout-content font-medium text-sm text-neutral-400"> {children} </div> </motion.div> ); }, ); Callout.displayName = 'Callout';

Callout Info

This is the callout component with info variant

This is an info callout

Callout Warning

This is the callout component with warning variant

This is an warning callout

Callout Error

This is the callout component with error variant

This is an error callout

Callout Success

This is the callout component with success variant

This is an success callout

Callout Subtle

This is the callout component with subtle variant

This is an subtle callout